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Same Day Crowns

Same-day Crowns

Same-day crowns are a modern dental technology that enables the design, creation, and placement of dental crowns in a single dental appointment. Using advanced CAD/CAM technology, the dentist can digitally scan the tooth, design the crown, and fabricate it on-site. This eliminates the need for traditional impressions, temporary crowns, and multiple dental appointments.

At Advanced Dentistry of Nevada, MO, LLC, we offer same-day crowns as an efficient solution for restoring damaged or decayed teeth, providing patients with a quick and convenient way to regain the function and aesthetics of their smile in just one day.

The Procedure for Same-Day Crowns

Digital Scanning

Our dentist begins by digitally scanning the damaged tooth using a specialized intraoral camera. This 3D scan creates a highly detailed tooth image, allowing for precise measurements and design.

Design and Fabrication

Using CAD/CAM technology, our dentist in Nevada, MO, designs the crown on a computer screen. This design is sent to an on-site milling machine that crafts the crown from a block of high-quality ceramic.


Once the crown is ready, it is immediately placed on the prepared tooth. The dentist ensures a proper fit and bite alignment, making any necessary adjustments. The crown is then permanently bonded to the tooth, and the procedure is complete.

The Benefits of Same-Day Crowns

Streamlined Dental Appointments

One of the standout advantages of same-day crowns in Nevada, MO, is the ability to complete the entire process in a single dental visit. No more waiting for weeks with temporary crowns and returning for a second appointment. The crown's digital scanning, design, and fabrication occur on-site, allowing patients to leave with their new restoration in place, saving time and reducing disruption to their daily routines.

Enhanced Comfort and Precision

The traditional process of taking impressions with messy molds can be uncomfortable for patients. Same-day crowns eliminate the need for these impressions, replacing them with digital scans that are both more comfortable and highly accurate. Additionally, the precision of CAD/CAM technology ensures a better-fitting crown, reducing the risk of discomfort or the need for adjustments.

Advanced Dentistry of Nevada, MO
Advanced Dentistry of Nevada, MO

Aesthetic Appeal

Same-day crowns are made from high-quality ceramic materials that closely mimic the appearance of natural teeth. They provide a seamless blend with your existing teeth, restoring both function and aesthetics. This natural look is especially important for front teeth, where appearance is a top priority.

Immediate Restoration of Function

Patients can eat, speak, and confidently smile immediately with same-day crowns. There's no need to wait for weeks for a permanent crown to be manufactured and placed. This immediate restoration of function is precious when dealing with a sensitive or damaged tooth.

Same-day crowns have transformed the dental experience, offering a convenient, efficient, and patient-friendly solution to dental restorations. For more information and the best dental care tailored to your unique needs, visit Advanced Dentistry of Nevada, MO, LLC, at 1701 W. Austin Blvd, Nevada, MO 64772, or call (417) 667-7134.


1701 W. Austin Blvd,
Nevada, MO 64772

Office Hours

MON - WED7:30 am - 4:00 pm

THU7:00 am - 3:00 pm

FRI - SUNClosed